Friday, February 19, 2016

About Siddha Maruthuvam

About Siddha Maruthuvam


As the number of people, preferring natural health remedies and herbal health remedies are increasing day by day and Indian medical systems are gaining popularity all over the world nowadays, this is the best / perfect time to introduce Siddha Medicine to the world.

Siddha System of Medicine also known as Siddha Vaidya in India, is the oldest among the Indian Medical Systems namely Ayurveda, Siddha & Unani & it is also the oldest medical system in the world.

Siddha medicine is the earliest medicine every documented in the world & the oldest medical system in existance. Siddha Vaidya can be considered as the crown of all the traditional arts of the ancient world owing to its richness and simplicity. The word Siddha comes from the word Siddhi which means an object to attain perfection or heaven ! Siddha Medicine means medicine that is perfect.


The time period of Siddha medicine starts from the time period of the Tamil language. There is no two opinions about the ancientness of the Dravidian Civilization of the erstwhile, submerged land - Kumarikandam, otherwise known as Lemuria Continent which is the cradle of mankind, now submerged in the Indian Ocean, due to several deluges,

The science of healing should also have been born with the birth and evolution of humanity....

Archeological evidences also prove this

The system of medicine that was prevalent in the ancient Tamil land may be called as the Dravidian Syatem of Medicine, since this is unique and relates only to the Tamils and perfected by Siddhars. It is a pure Dravidian System that started in southern India much before the Aryan era.

The Siddha system was developed by the 18 Siddhars, the ancient supernatural spiritual saints of India. It is believed to be handed over to the by the Hindu God-Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. So are the Siddhars, the followers of Lord Shiva(saivam)

Agasthiyar is considered to be the Father of Siddha System of Medicine. Ever since the time of the legendary Sage Agastya and his 18 siddhars-the ancient propagators and practitioners of this system-Siddha knowledge has continued to percolate from master to disciple.


All the existing things in this world and universe around it are made up by the five basic elements, namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space , which are called the Fundamental Boothas(Elements).

The origin of the five elements and the formation of different substances in the Universe by various combinations of the elements are clearly described in Siddha Medicine.

Siddhars define health as a Perfect State Of Physical, Psychological, Social And Spiritual Well Being of an individual.Siddhars were of the concept that a healthy soul can only be developed through a healthy body. So they developed methods and medication that are believed to strengthen their physical body and thereby their souls.
  • Siddha system does not believe in merely treating the symptoms. It eradicates the root cause for the illness, provides permanent relief and also prevents recurrence.
  • Siddha system of Medicine is based on Natural products available in this Country. i.e. Herbs, Medicinal Pants, Metals, Minerals and animal products form ingredients of the medicines.
  • Since no artificial chemicals are involved, it doesn't cause any side effects.
  • In the hand of Experts, the ingredients by themselves or in combination have excellent medicinal value and relieve  the sufferings without any side effects or complications.
  • The system has stood the test of time for hundreds of years.
  • The other medical systems are concerned with treatment and preventive aspects only thus providing temporary relief. But Siddha Systems is the only system which cures, heals & provides permanent relief.
  • Siddha is an approach to medicine that incorporates a strong spiritual element, proposing that the health of the body and the soul are inextricably linked and the decline of one will ultimately lead to the decline of the other. Treatment therefore is intended to heal both entities and can only be administered by knowledgeable Siddha physicians.
  • Siddha Medicine Is Far More Advanced than forms of medication For Usage of Herbs, Metals, Minerals As Well As Animals in their in their non toxic form in balanced propotions.
  • The 'Pulse Diagnosis' is very unique in Siddha Medicine, which was introduced to other Indian Systems Of Medicine at a later period.
  • Since no artificial chemicals are involved, it doesn't cause any side effects or complications.
  • Unlike other forms of medication, Siddha system does not merely treating the symptoms. It eradicates the root cause for the illness, provides permanent relief and also prevents recurrnce.
  • The other medical systems are concerned with treatment and preventive aspects only thus providing temporary relief. But Siddha System is the only system which cures, heals & provides permanent relief.
  • The western medical techniques are, for the most part, too expensive for the average Indian citizen to use, so generally they seek the services of Siddha physician or other holistic practitioner. Basic natural laws prevent the Siddha physician from gaining material wealth from the profession, so many charge only a minimal amount if any for their services

Many chronic diseases, considered incurable in western medicine, can be treated successfully with Siddha medicine. It has immense healing power in boosting the immune  system and curing event the most chronic dreadful diseases which have developed in recent times.
  • Siddha System offers an effective treatment for all the minor ailments like Cough, Cold, Diarrhea, fever etc. Moreover, it helps in building resistance against  such ailments without any side effects.
  • Siddha System is very effective in treating ailments like all varieties of joint diseases, skin diseases, Liver problems, Urinary Tract infections, rejuvenation, etc.
  • Using Siddha System Diabetes can be controlled and maintained without any side effect.
  • cancer is detected in early stage it can be cured fully.
  • This system provides good relief for psoriasis and also the recurrence.
  • AIDS" can be fully cured.
  • Many individuals seek Siddha medicine when conventional medicine has failed to restore their health.
  • This is an ancient science which is in danger of being lost without the assistance of dedicated students and the resources of others who can afford dedicating to help continue this science which given for the benefit of humankind.